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The Page of Fries

This issue has come up far too many times for me to ignore it any longer...

I have a little tale to tell you, my friends.

Once upon a time a couple of little restaurants decided to stand out from the rest of the fast-food masses by dipping their french fries in a happy little zesty coating with zippy seasonings.

Then, some numbskull decided that this lovely little coating could be improved upon by merely removing every last bit of flavor. They sold this idea to many other numbskull, corporate types. They said the coating "enhanced" the flavor of the fries (I say try ketchup, buster!). They said it made the fries "crispier" and more "appealing" to the consumer (I say if you want a crispier fry, find a different oil in which to cook him. AND, if I wanted my fry more appealing I would dress him up in drag!).

We all know that the classic french fry (one of nature's most perfect foods) does not need a bland coating to improve it. We will not be duped by the crass, commercial corporate puppeteers into eating this possibly carcinogenic*, probably mind-control augmenting*, definitely disgusting coating anymore! - THE END

*I have garnered some information used in my story from an anonymous "insider" source.